Old Providence Elementary


One of the goals of this project was to use it to get children interested in amateur radio and science and technology in general. On March 8, 2006 we gave a presentation at Olde Providence Elementary School. Students from two classes attended. We all had a great time.

Class 1

One of the two classes is pictured above. Both groups were very attentive and extremely well behaved. They seemed to enjoy the presentation as much as we enjoyed presenting it.

Class 2

Here are the students from the second class. All of them asked very good questions.

Talking about Ham Radio

We gave the class a short presentation on Ham Radio. We showed them a couple of 440 mhz handy talkies and even gave a couple of students some air time. I hope that some of these students will take an interest in our hobby. If not, maybe they will at least take an interest in the sciences.

Payload Electronics

Richard (KG4PBG) shows the balloon payload electronics. We talked about GPS, UTC Time, Lattitude and Longitude and APRS.


Dave (K8ZK) shows the students an old balloon we partially inflated so the students could get an idea of how big the balloon will be.


We showed the balloon at the end of our presentation. As the presentation ended, it was time for the students to go home. On the way out, everyone wanted to play with the balloon. Again, here is Dave (K8ZK) with the balloon and some of the students.
